Along with Edo Miso, Inaka Miso was famous as another major type of miso in Edo.It was named Inaka Miso, or Rural Miso, as it was made in the rural areas of the Kanto Region, not within the urban area of Edo. This dark red copper barley miso is a contrast to the fresh flavor of Edo Miso, but it is just as tasty. The miso was produced in large quantities up until the war. This particular miso comes from one of the few remaining miso producers left. It is selected from the very best part of the miso barrel.
原材料 :大豆、大麦、食塩/酒精
内容量 :300g
日持ち :製造日より180日間
クール代金【60サイズ275円(税込) 80サイズ330円(税込) 100サイズ440円(税込)】をお引きした料金になります。