戦前まで東京の中心的な味噌でしたが、米麹を通常の倍量使う贅沢品として戦時下に製造禁止となり、以来存在すら忘れられてしまいました。大正・昭和初期の文献をもとに73年ぶりに復刻しました。蒸し大豆を使用し、米麹は大豆と同量、江戸味噌独自の仕込方法で、2週間程度で素早く熟成。ほど良い塩加減と甘さ、味噌臭さのない、フレッシュな味わいが特徴。ジャンルを選ばず様々な料理にマッチする味噌です。 みそ汁や鍋、様々な料理の隠し味にもお使いください。
“Miso from Edo”, originates in Edo (current Tokyo), came into existence to suit the palate of Edo people while being influenced by Edo’s urban setting. Prior to the war, Edo Miso was the leading miso in Tokyo, however, due to the generous amount of rice koji (malt) used, double the usual amount, Edo Miso production was banned during the war as it was branded as a luxury item. Edo Miso’s existence has been all but forgotten since then. Based on the documentation from the Taisho and the early Showa period, Edo Miso was brought back to life again after 70 years of absence. Equal amount of steamed soybeans and koji are used to produce Edo Miso through an authentic Edo Miso production method. Edo Miso is fermented for just short period of two weeks. Moderate saltiness and sweetness, subdued miso smell, and the refreshing taste are the characteristics of Edo Miso. Edo Miso is a perfect match to any genres of cuisines.
原材料 :米麹、大豆、食塩
内容量 :300g
日持ち :製造日より90日間
クール代金【60サイズ275円(税込) 80サイズ330円(税込) 100サイズ440円(税込)】をお引きした料金になります。